Storms and Pool Maintenance

Posted by on Jun 27, 2013 in Announcements and Reminders, Pool Maintenance and Repairs | Comments Off on Storms and Pool Maintenance

May through September are our most active months for storms and Hurricane Season started on June 1st , as we go through these seasons we’d like to provide you with a few reminders and safety tips.

As you know the equipment used to clean your pool is metal, because lightning can travel up to 10 miles outside of a thunderstorm we take precautionary safety measures while servicing your pool.  There is a strong chance our staff could be struck by lightning using this equipment, pool poles will not be used however; your chemicals will be checked and added as needed.

Weatherbug has a great website to stay informed of the current weather conditions in your area: .

Hurricane Season is from June 1st through November 30th, the National Weather Service has several informative links on their website.  Please follow this link for more information on this Hurricane Season .   There is also a link on their website on how to prepare for a hurricane .

In addition to the above hurricane information there is a PDF file with information and a preparedness guide on Tropical Cyclones which was revised in April 2013 to keep us current with this information:

Staying informed of our weather keeps not only you and your families safe, it also keeps our families and staff safe.


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Office Phone: 239-591-3453 or 239-643-3456

Office Fax: 239-591-4855

Toll Free Confidential Fax: 1-866-221-2487